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3 Simple Bathroom Designs

When it comes to designing a bathroom, sometimes the simple ideas are the best ones. Today there are so many different options around bathroom designs and themes and many of them are usually not particularly budget friendly. This guide will take you through three simple designs you can look to implement today.

Maximise Storage Through Smart Decisions

Storage is a big issue for many bathrooms, you need a place to put all your showers, soaps and shampoos, but at the same time don’t want to feel like you have no space in your bathroom. Thankfully there are a few ways that this can be achieved.

The first way is to use your walls. This is not only in relation to being able to hang things up but even in relation to putting in ledges/shelving. For instance, using a cut out ledge in your bathroom walls allows for alternative spots for storage, without impeding into the bathroom space. You can also look to utilise other fixtures in the house to maximise storage space such as a dual purpose mirror above the bathroom sink or hanging storage on the back of a cabinet door.

Embracing Minimalism

With the housing market nowadays, properties and bathrooms are generally getting smaller. It is because of this that many designs are looking to embrace minimalism which is not only very simple to achieve, but perfect for individuals on a budget. To achieve this look, not only is reduction of amenities necessary, but also the layout and choice of what type of fixtures should be implemented.

When reducing amenities, focus on the key areas that are necessary and can work with the overall design of the area. For example, a wall placed towel rack is usually able to be included due to the small amount of space it takes up. Whereas larger options such as wash baskets or bathroom furniture aren’t necessary for the space (and can therefore be excluded). Similar to the towel rack, laying out all fixtures up against a wall also helps maximise the amount of open space available and choosing options such as a walk-in shower or floating vanity can help to accentuate the minimalist look.

Go With Safe Choices

When discussing safe choices in a bathroom, this doesn’t necessarily mean looking at amenities or fixtures that are safe to use but choosing options that are likely to add value and match people’s expectations. Most people are eventually looking to sell or move on from their home, so you don’t want to go with options that could cause issues for potential buyers.

Some safe choices that are widely popular are use of neutral tones and avoiding any loud/bright colours in the space. The bathroom is supposed to be a relaxing area and bright colours can take away from this soothing effect. If you have space, look to provide alternative options such as a shower and a bath option or two individual sinks with matching bathroom taps. Both of these options provide extra added value and are both great to have in terms of everyday usage.  Finally functional layouts are another simple design choice. Where would it make sense to put particular fixtures? When are certain amenities/fixtures not needed?

When looking at bathroom designs there are plenty of options available that are both time and budget friendly. Find out more about the ideal layout and design for your bathroom by visiting  one of Abey’s selection galleries today.

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