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Spring cleaning tips: Cleaning the cleaners

Are you buzzing around getting your home ready for the holidays? As you do it’s easy to forget the spaces that help you clean every day. 

That is, the laundry sink, bathtubs and kitchen sink! You may have taken a shower or washed the dishes, but that doesn’t mean they’re clean. So here are a few quick tips to help you finish sprucing up your space for spring.

Bathing the bathtub

Grime in the bathtub can build up quickly whether you enjoy soaking in the bath with Epsom salts or prefer a quick shower. So here are a few tips to help get your tub sparkling again.  

Tip 1: Cleaning walls and tiles 

If the grout between your tiles has mildew, you’ll need a tile cleaner and grout brush to remove the dirt. Working from the top to the bottom, scrub and rinse away the cleaner. 

But, if your walls are mildew-free, simply sprinkle on some baking soda and rinse away with a half-gallon of hot water and two tablespoons of dish soap. You can use a scrub brush to get at the particularly stubborn grit.

Tip 2: Cleaning the drain

To get rid of any questionable drain odors, pour one part baking soda down the drain, then slowly add two parts white vinegar. Leave the mixture to do its thing for about 15 minutes and use boiling hot water to wash away remaining gunk. 

Tip 3: Cleaning the tub

Use your favourite tub cleaner to tackle grime in the bathtub interior. The trick here is to allow the cleaner to sit for about five minutes. Use a scrub brush to get into the creases where the tub meets the wall – that’s where all the soap buildup will be hiding. Then wipe the tub from top to bottom and rinse with warm water.

Caring for the kitchen sink

Day in and day out, your kitchen sink works hard to keep your kitchen and home clean. So here’s how you can return the favour and give it some TLC. 

Tip 1: Cleaning faucets and handles

Start at the top and work your way into the sink, beginning with the faucets and handles. These can be cleaned just by using a mixture of soapy water and a spoonful of vinegar. The vinegar helps to remove the lime buildup from minerals in your tap water. Just use a sponge to rinse and wipe everything down. Your secret weapon? An old toothbrush for those hard to reach areas!

Tip 2: Cleaning the kitchen sink basin

Next, work your way around the sink basin. Coat the wet sink with baking soda and add a bit of dish soap and hot water to your sponge. Then scrub downwards, directing the grime into the drain. 

Tip 3: Cleaning the disposal

Finally, you’ll need to get to scrubbing that grimey drain and disposal. Follow the same tip from the bathroom basin to clean the drain, and then work your way into the disposal. 

To clear the disposal, grab some ice cubes, coarse salt and lemon wedges, run some cold water and turn on the disposal until the ice is gone. The ice will knock off the gunk while the salt does the scrubbing and the lemon adds a fresh scent!

Cleaning the laundry sink 

The laundry sink can quickly turn into a multi-purpose sink. And soaking clothes, washing pets, and rinsing paint brushes means there’s probably a whole heap of stains and grime building up in there.

Tip 1: Removing stubborn stains

You can follow the same tips as you did for cleaning the kitchen sink. But if the stains persist, you might have to up the ante with this concoction: one part water, one part vinegar and one part baking soda. This should create a paste that you can apply directly to stubborn stains. Leave on for half an hour and rinse away with warm water. 

Pro tip: Upgrade your fixtures

Some of your fixtures still looking a bit worse for wear? Here’s a final pro tip for you: consider replacing them entirely. Doing a small reno on your bathroom, kitchen or laundry will help improve your space, giving it a revival for spring and beyond.

Head into your local Abey Australia selection gallery where you can check out all your options and chat with our experts to help you find the perfect look for your home. Once your new fixtures are installed, you can use the above tips to help keep your spaces sparkling all year round!

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From residential to commercial projects, Abey's architecturally designed Showrooms showcase the immense diversity of Abey's kitchen, bathroom & laundry offerings to complete design solutions no matter the size of the project.

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